Laser systems

Lasers have found a very wide area of applications and laser systems are offered in hundreds  of different types. Inframet manufactures equipment for testing several types of laser systems: laser range finders, laser designators, laser pointers/illuminators, laser receivers (laser communication receivers, laser seekers, laser trackers), thermal infrared lasers and high energy lasers (HELs).

Laser range finder LRF is a measuring  device  that uses a laser beam to measure the distance to a target; typically using  time of flight principle. Laser designators are high power pulsed lasers used to designate  target  of interest to be detected by a machine system.  Laser pointer/illuminator is a device that uses laser beam to indicate/illuminate target of interest to be detected by humans. Laser directional receivers are devices that work as receiver blocks of laser seekers,  laser communication systems or laser trackers having a task to detect a target emitting pulsed laser light.  Thermal infrared lasers are lasers operating in long wavelength spectral range (thermal infrared) from about 2 μm to 15 μm. High Energy Lasers are lasers that emit high power CW laser beam for use in both industrial and defense applications. 

Inframet offers a long series of stations optimized for testing different groups of laser systems:
a)Laser ranger finders: LUNI, LTE,  LTF, LAS,  LJT120 , LATRA, LIS, LMOB, LBOR, LBAND, LDIR

b)Laser designators: LUNI, LTE,  LBOR, LDIR
c) Laser pointers/illuminators/dazlers: LIP, L411, LDIR
d) Laser directional receivers/seekers/trackers: L64,LAR64,
e) Thermal infrared lasers: LTIR,

f)High Energy Lasers: LAHEL.


 Table 1. Basic descriptions of offered stations for testing laser systems
Code Basic description Test capabilities
LUNI Universal  station for expanded  testing  of laser range finders. New  design offered from 2020. Pulse energy, pulse width, pulse frequency, beam divergence, receiver sensitivity, distance accuracy, Extinction Ratio,max operational range boresight errors
LTE Semi-automatic station for expanded  testing  of laser range finders. Mature design offered from about 2010. Pulse energy, pulse width,pulse frequency, beam divergence, receiver sensitivity, distance accuracy, Extinction Ratio,max operational range boresight errors
LTF Simple reliable station for final quality control Extinction Ratio, distance accuracy, max operational distance, distance discrimination (option), checking boresight
LAS System to enable measurement of operational range or ER extinction ratio of LRFs at field conditions  Operational range, extinction ratio ER, support for recalibration of laboratory stations
LJT 120

Excellent tool  for fast easy boresight  of LRFs for  manufacturers, integrators or repair workshops

boresight transmitter/ receiver/ aiming channel

Moderate cost station that offers the same boresight capabilities as LJT120 at slightly  lower test speed

boresight transmitter/ receiver/ aiming channel
LIS LIS station can be considered as a highly simplified version of LTE station. The station is optimized to test
a specific type of LRF but its buyer can define parameters of LRF to be tested. 

Variable distance simulator for testing receivers electronics of laser range finders

Distance measurement accuracy

Portable boresight tester of transmitters of laser range finders to be aligned with optical sights or VIS-NIR video cameras

Boresight errors
L64 Station for testing laser receivers (including laser seekers) and laser trackers Checking reactions  to a simulated pulsed laser source of regulated properties
LIP Advanced station for testing  laser pointers/illuminators/dazzlers Power, divergence angle,uniformity  of laser pointers/illuminators
LTIR Professional system  for testing and boresight of thermal  infrared lasers. Ultra accurate measurement of divergence angle,  temporal and spatial stability
LBAND Simple checker of spectral band of tested LRF/designator Determines spectral band of tested  LRF/designator
L411 Tool for spectral tests of laser pointers/illuminators Measures spectral intensity curve of tested laser pointer/illuminator
LAHEL System for testing high energy lasers (HELs) for both industrial and defense applications Measurement of spatial light intensity (divergence angle) and optical  power
LDIR System for basic spatial tests of laser range finders, laser designators, laser pointers Measurement of divergence angle of lasers (laser range finders, laser designators, laser pointers). Optional boresight laser-laser or laser-imager.
LAR64 station for testing  directional laser receivers Checking reactions  to a simulated pulsed laser source of spatial/temporal regulated properties

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